Blog Post Fields
Articles are blog posts in your Shopify store. They allow you to publish content as part of your store's blog section.
These are all the fields you can import or export for articles in Altera. Fields are grouped by category for easier reference.
Basic article information and content.
Fields related to the parent blog.
Fields related to article comments.
Fields for custom metadata.
You can use these filters to limit which articles are exported:
- created_at: Filter by creation date
- subject_type: Filter by subject type (value: ARTICLE)
Blog Post Fields
These are all the fields you can import or export for articles in Altera. Fields are grouped by category for easier reference.
Basic article information and content.
Field | Description | Example Value |
ID | Shopify's unique article identifier | 12345678 |
Handle | URL-friendly version of the article title | summer-fashion-trends-2023 |
Command | Action to perform on this article | MERGE |
Title | Article title | Summer Fashion Trends 2023 |
Author | Name of the article author | Jane Smith |
Body HTML | Article content in HTML format | <p>This summer's hottest trends...</p> |
Tags | Comma-separated list of tags | fashion, summer, trends |
Tags Command | Action to perform on article tags | ADD |
Published At | Date and time when article was published | 2023-06-01T10:00:00Z |
Template Suffix | Alternative template for article page | featured-post |
Blog Fields
Fields related to the parent blog.
Field | Description | Example Value |
Blog: ID | Parent blog identifier | 987654 |
Blog: Handle | Parent blog URL handle | fashion-blog |
Blog: Title | Parent blog title | Fashion & Style |
Blog: Commentable | Whether comments are enabled | moderated |
Blog: Template Suffix | Blog template suffix | fashion-template |
Fields related to article comments.
Field | Description | Example Value |
Comment: ID | Unique identifier for the comment | 456789 |
Comment: Author | Name of comment author | John Doe |
Comment: Body HTML | Comment content in HTML format | <p>Great article!</p> |
Fields for custom metadata.
Field | Description | Example Value |
Metafields | Article metafields | {"seo.description": "Summer fashion guide"} |
Article Filters
You can use these filters to limit which articles are exported:
- created_at: Filter by creation date
- subject_type: Filter by subject type (value: ARTICLE)
Updated on: 11/02/2025