Articles on: Tutorials

Creating your first export

This guide will show you how to export Shopify data using Altera. You can choose which data types to include, select specific field groups, and apply filters—similar to how you would with other apps. Once your export is configured, you can download the file in either CSV or Excel format.

In this article

Step 1: Create a new export
Step 2: Select data types
Step 3: Choose and filter fields
Step 4: Configure file settings
Step 5: Start and download your export

Step 1: Create a new export

From your Altera home page, click New export.
A new export creation page will appear where you can configure which data you want to export.

Step 2: Select data types

In the export creation page, you’ll see a list of supported data types such as Products, Collections, Orders, Files, and more.
Click any of the data types you wish to include in your export.
Each data type you select will appear below the list so that you can further refine the records and fields you want to export.

Step 3: Choose fields and filter fields

You will see a separate section for each data type selected (for example, Products).
In each section, there are groupings for the fields like General or Metafields.
Check the boxes next to each field you want to include in your export.
Some object types allow filtering. If available, click Add filter to filter which records you want to export
Repeat these steps for each data type want to customize or filter.

Note: More complex field groups like metafields can increase the time it takes for the export to complete.

Step 4: Configure file settings

Scroll to the bottom of the export creation page.
In the File namefield, you can use placeholders (like %Y-%m-%d or {shop_subdomain}) to create a customized file name.
Choose your File format. Altera supports Excel (.xlsx) and CSV (.csv).


File name: Product-Export-{{ date }}.csv
File format: CSV

File name placeholders

This is a list of all the placeholders you can use in file names:

PlaceholderDescriptionSample Value
{shop_subdomain}Prefix of the store's * domaingetaltera
{shop_name}Name of the Shopify storeAltera Store
%aWeekday (abbreviated)Sun
%AWeekday (full)Sunday
%wWeekday as a decimal (0=Sunday, 6=Saturday)0
%dDay of the month (01..31)08
%bMonth name (abbreviated)Sep
%BMonth name (full)September
%mMonth as a zero-padded decimal (01..12)09
%yYear without century (00..99)25
%YYear with century (4 digits)2025
%HHour (00..23)19
%IHour (01..12)07
%pLocale’s AM/PMPM
%MMinute (00..59)06
%SSecond (00..59)05
%fMicrosecond (000000..999999)123456
%zUTC offset in the form +HHMM or -HHMM+0200
%ZTime zone nameUTC
%jDay of the year (001..366)251
%UWeek number of the year (Sunday as the first day, 00..53)36
%WWeek number of the year (Monday as the first day, 00..53)37

Step 5: Start and download your export

When you’re satisfied with your selection of data types, fields, and filters, click Start export.
Altera will begin processing all the chosen data in the background. You can navigate away, and the export will continue to run.
Once the export is complete, a Download button will appear.
Click Download to save the generated file to your device.

Updated on: 20/02/2025