Customer Fields
Customers represent the shoppers who have created accounts or made purchases in your Shopify store.
These are all the fields you can import or export for customers in Altera.
Basic customer information and account details.
Fields for customer addresses.
Fields related to customer orders.
Fields for custom metadata.
You can use these filters to limit which customers are exported:
- email: Filter by email address
- created_at: Filter by creation date
- updated_at: Filter by last update date
- total_spent: Filter by total spent amount
- orders_count: Filter by number of orders
- tag: Filter by tag (include)
- tag_not: Filter by tag (exclude)
Customer Fields
These are all the fields you can import or export for customers in Altera.
Basic customer information and account details.
Field | Description | Example Value |
ID | Shopify's unique customer identifier | 789012 |
Customer's email address | | |
Command | Action to perform on this customer | MERGE |
First Name | Customer's first name | Jane |
Last Name | Customer's last name | Smith |
Phone | Customer's phone number | +1-555-0123 |
Language | Customer's preferred language | en |
State | Account state (enabled/disabled) | enabled |
Note | Internal notes about the customer | VIP customer |
Tags | Comma-separated list of tags | vip, wholesale |
Tags Command | Action to perform on customer tags | ADD |
Tax Exempt | Whether customer is exempt from taxes | false |
Email Marketing: Status | Email marketing subscription status | SUBSCRIBED |
SMS Marketing: Status | SMS marketing subscription status | SUBSCRIBED |
Created At | Date and time when account was created | 2023-01-15T10:00:00Z |
Updated At | Date and time when account was last modified | 2023-06-20T15:30:00Z |
Fields for customer addresses.
Field | Description | Example Value |
Address ID | Unique identifier for the address | 345678 |
Address Command | Action to perform on this address | MERGE |
Address First Name | First name for this address | Jane |
Address Last Name | Last name for this address | Smith |
Address Company | Company name for this address | Acme Inc |
Address Phone | Phone number for this address | +1-555-0123 |
Address Line 1 | Street address | 123 Main St |
Address Line 2 | Additional address details | Suite 100 |
Address City | City | New York |
Address Province | State/province | New York |
Address Zip | Postal/zip code | 10001 |
Address Country | Country | United States |
Address Is Default | Whether this is the default address | true |
Orders Information
Fields related to customer orders.
Field | Description | Example Value |
Total Orders | Number of orders placed | 25 |
Total Spent | Total amount spent by customer | 2499.99 |
First Order ID | ID of customer's first order | 1001 |
Last Order ID | ID of customer's most recent order | 1025 |
Fields for custom metadata.
Field | Description | Example Value |
Metafields | Customer metafields | {"loyalty.points": "500"} |
Customer Filters
You can use these filters to limit which customers are exported:
- email: Filter by email address
- created_at: Filter by creation date
- updated_at: Filter by last update date
- total_spent: Filter by total spent amount
- orders_count: Filter by number of orders
- tag: Filter by tag (include)
- tag_not: Filter by tag (exclude)
Updated on: 11/02/2025