Articles on: Reference

File Fields

Files represent media assets in your Shopify store, including images, videos, and documents.

File Fields

These are all the fields you can import or export for files in Altera.


FieldDescriptionExample Value
IDUnique file identifier12345678
File NameName of the filesummer-collection.jpg
CommandAction to perform on this fileMERGE
LinkURL to access the file
Alt TextAlternative text descriptionSummer collection preview image
Created AtWhen file was uploaded2023-06-01T10:00:00Z
TypeType of media contentIMAGE
Mime TypeFile's MIME typeimage/jpeg
WidthImage width in pixels1920
HeightImage height in pixels1080
DurationLength of video/audio in seconds0
StatusCurrent file statusSUCCESS
ErrorsAny upload/processing errorsnull
Size BytesFile size in bytes2097152
Size MBFile size in megabytes2.0
SizeHuman-readable file size2.0 MB

File Filters

You can use these filters to limit which files are exported:

- media_type: Filter by type (IMAGE, VIDEO, FILE, etc.)
- filename: Filter by filename

Updated on: 11/02/2025