Articles on: Reference

Order Fields

Orders represent purchases made by customers in your Shopify store. Each order contains details about the customer, items purchased, payments, fulfillment, and more.

Order Fields

These are all the fields you can import or export for orders in Altera.


FieldDescriptionExample Value
IDUnique order identifier12345678
NameOrder name/number#1001
CommandAction to perform on this orderMERGE
Send ReceiptWhether to send order receipttrue
PhoneCustomer's phone number+1-555-0123
EmailCustomer's email
NoteInternal order notesPriority shipping requested
TagsOrder tagswholesale, urgent
Created AtWhen order was created2023-06-01T10:00:00Z
Processed AtWhen order was processed2023-06-01T10:05:00Z
Cancelled AtWhen order was cancellednull
CurrencyOrder currency codeUSD
SourceOrder source/channelonline_store
Payment StatusPayment statuspaid
Fulfillment StatusOrder fulfillment statusfulfilled

Customer Information

FieldDescriptionExample Value
Customer IDUnique customer identifier987654
Customer EmailCustomer's
Customer First NameCustomer's first nameJane
Customer Last NameCustomer's last nameSmith
Billing AddressComplete billing address123 Main St, Suite 100
Shipping AddressComplete shipping address123 Main St, Suite 100

Line Items

FieldDescriptionExample Value
Line Item IDUnique line item identifier45678
Product IDAssociated product ID98765
Variant IDAssociated variant ID12345
TitleProduct titleBlue T-Shirt
QuantityNumber of items ordered2
PriceItem price29.99
SKUProduct SKUBTS-001
Fulfillable QuantityQuantity that can be fulfilled2
Total DiscountTotal discount amount5.00

Financial Details

FieldDescriptionExample Value
SubtotalOrder subtotal59.98
Total TaxTotal tax amount6.00
Total DiscountsTotal discounts applied5.00
TotalOrder total60.98
Total OutstandingAmount still owed0.00
Total RefundedAmount refunded0.00

Order Filters

You can use these filters to limit which orders are exported:

- created_at: Filter by creation date
- processed_at: Filter by processing date
- customer_id: Filter by customer
- financial_status: Filter by payment status (paid, pending, refunded, etc.)
- fulfillment_status: Filter by fulfillment status (fulfilled, unfulfilled, partial)
- status: Filter by order status (open, closed, cancelled)
- tag: Filter by tag (include)
- tag_not: Filter by tag (exclude)

Updated on: 11/02/2025