Product Fields
Products are items that you sell in your Shopify store. When exporting or importing products, you can work with their basic information, variants, images, inventory, pricing and more.
Download a sample spreadsheet with product data to import.
These are all the fields you can import or export for products in Altera. Fields are grouped by category for easier reference.
Basic product information and settings.
Fields related to product categorization.
Fields for managing product collections.
Fields related to product images and media.
Fields for product variants and inventory.
Fields for international shipping and customs.
Fields for managing inventory across multiple locations.
Fields for managing prices in different markets.
Fields for custom metadata.
You can use these filters to limit which products are exported. For more information about using filters, see the Filters documentation.
- handle: Filter by product handle
- title: Filter by product title
- barcode: Filter by product barcode
- category_id: Filter by category ID
- collection_id: Filter by collection ID
- inventory_total: Filter by total inventory quantity
- price: Filter by product price
- product_type: Filter by product type
- sku: Filter by SKU
- variant_id: Filter by variant ID
- variant_title: Filter by variant title
- vendor: Filter by vendor name
- created_at: Filter by creation date
- updated_at: Filter by last update date
- published_at: Filter by publish date
- gift_card: Filter by whether the product is a gift card
- is_price_reduced: Filter by whether the product has a reduced price
- tag: Filter by tag (include)
- tag_not: Filter by tag (exclude)
- publishable_status: Filter by publication status (values: published, unpublished)
Sample File
Download a sample spreadsheet with product data to import.
Product Fields
These are all the fields you can import or export for products in Altera. Fields are grouped by category for easier reference.
Basic product information and settings.
Field | Description | Example Value |
ID | Shopify's unique product identifier | 7890123456 |
Handle | URL-friendly version of the product title | blue-t-shirt-xl |
Command | Action to perform on this product row | MERGE |
Title | Name of the product | Blue T-Shirt XL |
Body HTML | Product description in HTML format | <p>A comfortable cotton t-shirt</p> |
Vendor | Product manufacturer or supplier | Nike |
Type | Product category or type | Apparel |
Tags | Comma-separated list of tags | summer, cotton, sale |
Tags Command | Action to perform on product tags | ADD |
Created At | Date and time when product was created | 2023-01-15T10:00:00Z |
Updated At | Date and time when product was last modified | 2023-06-20T15:30:00Z |
Status | Product status (active/draft) | active |
Published | Whether the product is published | true |
Published At | Date and time when product was published | 2023-01-16T09:00:00Z |
Published Scope | Visibility scope of the product | web |
Template Suffix | Alternative template for product page | special-layout |
Gift Card | Whether the product is a gift card | false |
URL | Full URL to the product page | |
Category Fields
Fields related to product categorization.
Field | Description | Example Value |
Category: ID | Category identifier | 12345 |
Category: Name | Category name | Men's Clothing |
Category | Full category path | Apparel/Men's/T-Shirts |
Collection Fields
Fields for managing product collections.
Field | Description | Example Value |
Custom Collections | Manual collections containing this product | summer-essentials, staff-picks |
Smart Collections | Automated collections containing this product | all-t-shirts, sale-items |
Media Fields
Fields related to product images and media.
Field | Description | Example Value |
Image Type | Type of media (image, video, etc.) | IMAGE |
Image Src | URL of the media file | |
Image Command | Action to perform on the media | MERGE |
Image Position | Display order of the media | 1 |
Image Width | Width in pixels | 800 |
Image Height | Height in pixels | 600 |
Image Alt Text | Alternative text for accessibility | Blue t-shirt front view |
Variant Fields
Fields for product variants and inventory.
Field | Description | Example Value |
Variant ID | Unique identifier for the variant | 123456789 |
Variant Command | Action to perform on this variant | MERGE |
Option1 Name | First option name | Size |
Option1 Value | First option value | Large |
Option2 Name | Second option name | Color |
Option2 Value | Second option value | Blue |
Option3 Name | Third option name | Material |
Option3 Value | Third option value | Cotton |
Variant SKU | Stock keeping unit | BTS-LRG-BLU |
Variant Barcode | Barcode/UPC/ISBN | 123456789012 |
Variant Price | Regular selling price | 29.99 |
Variant Compare At Price | Original or MSRP price | 39.99 |
Variant Inventory Qty | Current inventory quantity | 100 |
Customs Information Fields
Fields for international shipping and customs.
Field | Description | Example Value |
Variant HS Code | Harmonized System code | 6109.10.00 |
Variant Country of Origin | Country where product was made | CN |
Variant Province of Origin | Province/state where product was made | Guangdong |
Multi-Location Inventory Fields
Fields for managing inventory across multiple locations.
Field | Description | Example Value |
Inventory Available | Available quantity per location | {"Warehouse": 50, "Store": 25} |
Inventory Available Adjust | Quantity adjustment per location | {"Warehouse": +5, "Store": -2} |
Market-Specific Pricing Fields
Fields for managing prices in different markets.
Field | Description | Example Value |
Included | Markets where variant is available | US, CA, UK |
Price | Market-specific price | {"US": 29.99, "CA": 39.99} |
Compare At Price | Market-specific compare-at price | {"US": 39.99, "CA": 49.99} |
Fields for custom metadata.
Field | Description | Example Value |
Metafields | Product metafields | {"namespace.key": "value"} |
Variant Metafields | Variant-specific metafields | {"size.weight": "2kg"} |
Product Filters
You can use these filters to limit which products are exported. For more information about using filters, see the Filters documentation.
- handle: Filter by product handle
- title: Filter by product title
- barcode: Filter by product barcode
- category_id: Filter by category ID
- collection_id: Filter by collection ID
- inventory_total: Filter by total inventory quantity
- price: Filter by product price
- product_type: Filter by product type
- sku: Filter by SKU
- variant_id: Filter by variant ID
- variant_title: Filter by variant title
- vendor: Filter by vendor name
- created_at: Filter by creation date
- updated_at: Filter by last update date
- published_at: Filter by publish date
- gift_card: Filter by whether the product is a gift card
- is_price_reduced: Filter by whether the product has a reduced price
- tag: Filter by tag (include)
- tag_not: Filter by tag (exclude)
- publishable_status: Filter by publication status (values: published, unpublished)
Updated on: 20/02/2025