Shop Fields
The shop object represents your Shopify store's basic information and settings.
These are all the fields you can import or export for your shop in Altera.
Shop Fields
These are all the fields you can import or export for your shop in Altera.
Field | Description | Example Value |
Shopify Domain | Your store's Shopify domain | |
Name | Your store's name | My Awesome Store |
Created At | When the store was created | 2023-01-01T00:00:00Z |
Updated At | When the store was last updated | 2023-06-20T15:30:00Z |
Other Details
Field | Description | Example Value |
Domain | Primary store domain | |
Owner | Store owner's name | Jane Smith |
Store owner's email | | |
Customer Email | Customer service email | |
Phone | Store phone number | +1-555-0123 |
Address1 | Primary address line | 123 Main St |
Address2 | Secondary address line | Suite 100 |
City | Store city | New York |
Province | Store state/province | New York |
Province Code | State/province code | NY |
Country | Store country | United States |
Country Code | Two-letter country code | US |
Zip | Postal/zip code | 10001 |
Time Zone | Store timezone | America/New_York |
Currency | Store currency code | USD |
Taxes Included | Whether prices include tax | false |
Tax Shipping | Whether shipping is taxed | true |
Money Format | Price format | ${{amount}} |
Shopify Plan | Current Shopify plan | Advanced |
Has StoreFront | Whether store has an active storefront | true |
MultiLocation Enabled | Whether multiple locations are enabled | true |
Weight Unit | Unit for product weights | kg |
Field | Description | Example Value |
Metafields | Custom metadata for the shop | {"store.description": "Premium fashion retailer"} |
Updated on: 11/02/2025